Dorothea’s Closet – 50% off sale!

One of my favourite online vintage stores, Dorothea’s Closet, is having a sale out of necessity. She has some amazing stock so maybe you can help her out and pick up some great vintage at the same time.

From Angela: Owner or Dorothea’s closet:

“OK, I got some bad news (in the form of foreclosure) in the mail just now, so I’m doing a website wide 50% sale. That’s over 1,500 vintage items! Dresses, gowns, hats, lingerie, skirts, blouses, handbags, shoes, jewelry & scarves ranging from Victorian to 1980s. I just need to drum up enough to get them off my back and catch up (once you get behind and other bills gobsmack you, it all goes to shite quickly). So help a gal out and get some cheap (but not cheaply made!) vintage and help me and my family stay in our home!

Code to use at checkout is LOVE50. I’m happy to work out shipping cheaper if I can, just PM me or email through the site. So that’s 50% off ALL OF IT. heart emoticon Thanks for looking!”